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Let me tell you a story...

After all, story is what is driving your business. Or at least it should. You want current and future customers and clients to know what you and your brand are all about, and great story hits that nail right on the head.

This is Spirited Republic:

I met with Colleen and company after they expressed interest in building their brand with a video. Something that would capture the whole idea behind both Spirited Republic and Limerick Brewing Company. She also had a goal of getting across to potential visitors that both Spirited and Limerick go hand-in-hand -- Spirited is a tap room that serves assorted craft beers, including their own Limerick beer. Which is delicious, by the way. I did a lot of drinki-- er...I mean, "taste testing" while spending time with them.


From the get go, we nailed down all of the important aspects of their business. I tuned in to their brand personality, and then we set up for interviews. This was where all of the fun began. 

Exhibit A:

Needless to say, we all had a hootin', hollerin' time together as I gathered all of the storytelling audio bits - the foundation of the video- straight from the source. Phase I was complete.


On to Phase II. I spent some time with the interview footage. Then, I spent some more time with the interview footage. I took notes. I even made a list of visual ideas. After sharing my ideas with them, we scheduled film shoots where I would spend time during operating hours for both Limerick's beer brewing, and Spirited Republic's tap room happenings. 


I took the footage gathered from Phase I, paired it with the footage from Phase II, along with a music track that most accurately fit their brand personality, and the end result was the video you saw above: a storytelling powerhouse with loads of clean visuals to match. 

The number one comment made was, "I didn't realize Limerick beer was your beer!"

The public's reaction to the video was immensely positive, and the patron's of Spirited Republic feel more connected to the owners than ever. The story of Spirited Republic created a new relationship with clients both new and existing. That is the goal of story branding.

You can do the same!

Let's Get Started

"But Jacob, what if that was just a fluke?"

Well, here's another of my favorite projects!

We can also take a short-and-sweet approach:

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